If you have a life-threatening emergency you must call SAMU (15) or the
Fire Department (18). The Fire Department is often faster, and they are trained paramedics. You may also ask the secretary in the pediatric office, to give/mail you a sheet with phone numbers to
call in case of emergencies.
For semi-urgent questions during the day (8:00 am to 7:45 pm weekdays) call 01 46 41 27 67 and leave a message with the secretary, and Dr. Lovejoy will get back to you as soon as possible. Some educational material can be found on this website; the website of the American Academy of Pediatrics (www.healthychildren.org) is a good source for reliable information.
For urgent questions, call Dr. Lovejoy directly: 06 28 04 57 51. Dr. Lovejoy is reachable by this cell phone, 08:00 A.M. to 7:45 P.M., Monday through Friday.
Please reserve this option for truly urgent questions or if you have difficulty making an urgent visit. Please do not send SMS, which may not been seen for several hours. If I am in consultation, leave a message and I will return your
call ASAP.
For after-hour questions, including weekends, there are a few options:
1) Call the hospital operator (01 46 41 25 25) and ask for the on-call pediatrician. This is not 100% reliable, however.
2) For late hours, call Urgences Médicales de Paris - 01 53 94 94 94 or for Neuilly call SOS 92: 01 46 03 77 44. For other suburbs look up “Urgences Médicales de...” or SOS Médecins de ...” Ask for a pediatrician, when possible.
Of note: the American Hospital does not have inpatient beds for pediatrics, and does not see children in the ER. However, most emergencies (broken bones, lacerations) can indeed be treated in our office.
Should you choose to go to an E.R. yourself, there are several options. Insist that you be seen by the "chef de clinique" before leaving, which is the equivalent to the Attending Physician in the USA.
--Hôpital de Neuilly, a local option for everything but complicated illnesses. 36 Boulevard Gén Leclerc (01 47 22 41 07)
--Hôpital Necker, 149, rue de Sèvres, Paris 75015 Paris. A good pediatric hospital in Paris, though long wait times.
--Hôpital Ambroise Paré, 9 avenue Charles de Gaulle Boulogne- Billancourt (01 49 09 57 00). A medium sized-hospital with pediatrics.